The trout is a great sporting fish, and fairly common in most of our waters. Averaging around the pound mark they offer good sport to the fly angler with both wet and dry flies proving successful on KAA waters. Heavyweight specimens are also sometimes encountered both on the River Derwent and the lake. Suitable flies: spiders, nymph pattern, Elk hair dries and Klinkhamer patterns all have their days.
We have small runs of these fish appearing during the summer months and a few are taken off the lower beats of our fishing. Very much a bonus catch rather than a targeted species on the KAA waters.
We have reasonable runs of salmon through the Association waters usually starting around the first good flood in August with the best of the fishing in October. A range of sizes is to be expected with an average of around eight pounds but bigger fish are taken most seasons. Worm, fly and spinners all take fish and wisely most anglers now return all salmon. Baits: Spinners, spoons and flies are the time-tested methods of capture.
Common in all the bigger lakes perch average around 1 pound but much bigger specimens are landed most years. Good fighters for their size, decent bags can be had using worms or small spinners. The ideal target species for young would be anglers as they can usually be relied on to provide sport throughout the summer months. Baits: Maggots, worms and spinners are among the best baits.
This top predator is present in most of the bigger Lake District waters and averages around ten pounds although as with perch there are much bigger specimens to be had by the dedicated angler. In the summer months try fishing weedy shallow areas as they often follow the shoals of fry into the bays. In the colder weather, pike move out into the main body of the lakes and can be targeted in the deeper areas. Baits: Environment Agency byelaws restrict baits to being sea baits only. No freshwater fish to be used.